Michael Miersch / 23.11.2009 / 18:11 / 0 / Seite ausdrucken

Benny Peiser ist jetzt Direktor der Global Warming Policy Foundation

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Heute um 11 Uhr wurde bei einer Pressekonferenz im House of Lords die Gründung GLOBAL WARMING POLICY FOUNDATION bekannt gegeben.

1 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5DB
Telephone: 07974 861 256

Who we are – and why

Introducing the GWPF, Lord Lawson said:

“Last year I brought out a book on global warming which (rather to my
surprise) generated an enormous feedback, almost all of it positive.  A
number of those who wrote to me, who included scientists, engineers and
others with an experienced background, urged me not to leave the matter
there but to follow it up in some way.  It was this that led me to found the
think-tank we are launching today, which can achieve far more than I
could on my own.”

“I am most grateful both to all those who have agreed to join it as
Trustees and to those who have provided the funds to enable it to get off
the ground.  My hope is that the birth of the Foundation may mark a
turning-point in the political and public debate on the important issue of
global warming policy.”

The Global Warming Policy Foundation is unique.  We are an all-party
and non-party think-tank and a registered educational charity which,
while open-minded on the contested science of global warming, is deeply
concerned about the costs and other implications of many of the policies
currently being advocated.  On the eve of the UN climate change
conference at Copenhagen, designed to secure agreement on such
policies, this has become particularly timely.

Through our website (http://www.thegwpf.org) and in other ways, we shall be
subjecting both the claims of the damage that might be caused by any
future warming, and the costs and consequences of alternative policies
that might be put in place, to dispassionate analysis based on hard
evidence and economic rigour.

We are in no sense ‘anti-environmental’.  There is a wide range of
important environmental issues, which call for an equally wide range of
policy responses.  Our concern is solely with the possible effects of any
future global warming and the policy responses that may evoke.  But we
are also aware of the curse of world poverty, and of the crucial
importance of growth and economic development in the poorer countries
of the world as the only serious means of alleviating it.

The Foundation is headed by its Director, Dr Benny Peiser, who founded
(in 1997) and continues to edit the world’s leading climate policy
network.  It is governed by a distinguished Board of Trustees, comprising
members of all three main political parties and none, with great
experience in a number of different walks of life.  It is advised by an
Academic Advisory Council, comprised chiefly of eminent scientists and
economists with a wide range of views.  It is funded entirely by voluntary
donations from a number of private individuals and charitable trusts.  In
order to make clear its complete independence, it does not accept gifts
from either energy companies or anyone with a significant interest in an
energy company.
Benny Peiser said:
“The Foundation’s aim is to become the most trustworthy and readily
accessible source for those, whether in politics, the media or among the
wider public, who wish to be informed of the most reliable and
authoritative analysis of both the claims of climate alarmists and the
policies currently in place or being discussed, whether in Copenhagen or

The Global Warming Policy Foundation
Director and Trustees


Dr Benny Peiser Founding editor since 1997 of CCNet, the
world’s leading climate policy network,
Senior Lecturer at Liverpool John Moores
University and Visiting Lecturer at
Buckingham University, gave his name to
Minor Planet (7107) Peiser, a 10km-wide


Lord Barnett Joel Barnett (Labour), Chief Secretary to the
Treasury 1974-79, Vice-Chairman of the
BBC 1986-93, gave his name to the Barnett

The Bishop of Chester Peter Forster, Bishop of Chester since 1996.

Lord Donoughue Bernard Donoughue (Labour), Senior Policy
Adviser to the Prime Minister (first Harold
Wilson, then James Callaghan) 1974-79.

Lord Fellowes Robert Fellowes (Crossbench), Assistant
Private Secretary to the Queen 1977-86,
Deputy Private Secretary to the Queen 1986-
90, Private Secretary to the Queen 1990-99.

Sir Martin Jacomb Deputy Chairman of Barclays Bank 1985-
93, Director of the Bank of England 1986-
95, Chancellor of the University of
Buckingham since 1996.

Lord Lawson (Chairman) Nigel Lawson (Conservative), Secretary of
State for Energy 1981-83, Chancellor of the
Exchequer 1983-89, author of An Appeal to
Reason: A Cool Look at Global Warming,

Henri Lepage French economist and author, joint founder,
Institut Euro 1992 (Paris), Chairman of the
Institut Turgot (Paris) since 2008.

Baroness Nicholson Emma Nicholson (Liberal Democrat), MP
for Devon West and Torridge 1987-97 (first
Con, then Lib Dem), Lib Dem MEP for S E
England since 1999.

Lord Turnbull Andrew Turnbull (Crossbench), Permanent
Secretary to the Treasury 1998-2002,
Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Home
Civil Service 2002-05.

Academic Advisory Council

Sir Samuel Brittan
Samuel Brittan is one of Britain’s most eminent economic authors and journalists.
Since 1966 he has been an economic commentator for the Financial Times where he
also served as Assistant Editor.

Sir Ian Byatt
Ian Byatt is a former Director General of the Office of Water Services for England
and Wales, before which he was Deputy Chief Economic Adviser in HM Treasury.
He is currently Chairman of the Water Industry Commission for Scotland. 

Professor Freeman Dyson
Freeman Dyson FRS, a world-renowned theoretical physicist, is Professor Emeritus at
the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton where he held a chair for many years. 
He is the author of numerous widely read science books. 
Christian Gerondeau
Christian Gerondeau is a leading transport policy expert and the author of the Paris
Area Railway Master Plan (RER). He has been Head of Road Safety Policy for the
French Government and for the European Conference of Ministers of Transport. His
latest book is entitled CO2, un mythe planétaire.
Professor David Henderson (Chairman)
David Henderson was formerly Head of the Economics and Statistics Department of
the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris. He is
currently a Fellow of the Institute of Economic Affairs in London.
Dr Terence Kealey
Terence Kealey, a medical biochemist, is Vice-Chancellor of the University of
Buckingham. His latest book is entitled Sex, Science and Profits.

Professor Anthony Kelly
Anthony Kelly CBE FRS, Distinguished Research Fellow in the Department of
Materials Science, Cambridge University. Formerly Vice-Chancellor of the
University of Surrey.  Founding and Life Fellow of Churchill College, Cambridge.

Professor Richard Lindzen
Richard Lindzen is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Physics at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is known for his work on the dynamics of
the middle atmosphere, atmospheric tides and ozone photochemistry, and has
published more than 200 books and scientific papers. 

Professor Sir Alan Peacock
Alan Peacock FBA was Professor of Economics at Edinburgh, York and Buckingham
University where he became its first Vice Chancellor. He served at one stage as Chief
Economic Adviser of the UK Department of Trade and Industry.
Professor Ian Plimer
Ian Plimer is Professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide. He has
published 60 academic papers and six books. His latest book, recently published, is
entitled Heaven and Earth — Global Warming: The Missing Science. 

Professor Gwyn Prins
Gwyn Prins is a research professor at the London School of Economics and the
director of the LSE Mackinder Programme for the Study of Long Wave Events. He
has researched and published on climate history and climate issues since the 1970s.

Professor Paul Reiter
Paul Reiter is Professor of Medical Entomology at the Institut Pasteur in Paris,
France, specialist in the epidemiology and control of insect-borne diseases.
Professor Philip Stott
Philip Stott is Professor Emeritus of Biogeography at the School of Oriental and
African Studies, University of London, and a former editor of the Journal of

Professor Richard Tol
Richard Tol is a Research Professor at the Economic and Social Research Institute,
Dublin, Ireland, where he is responsible for the research areas energy and
environment. He is an editor of the journal Energy Economics.

Dr David Whitehouse
David Whitehouse, who has a doctorate in astrophysics, was successively BBC
Science Correspondent and Science Editor BBC News Online.  He is the author of a
number of books on solar system astronomy and the history of astronomy. 

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