Benny Peiser / 03.12.2007 / 12:03 / 0 / Seite ausdrucken

Klimahysterie, Kristallnacht und der Holocaust

When Ellen Goodman likened climate skeptics to holocaust deniers last February, she raised more than a few eyebrows.  Yet, hers was not the first reprehensible use of that fetid analogy, nor, unfortunately, would it be the last.  In truth, environmentalists’ deplorable trivialization of Hitler’s genocide can be traced as far back as the late 1980’s (by an ambitious senator from Tennessee) and as recently as last month by the scientist considered to be the world’s premiere global warming researcher.

In 1989, Al Gore wrote a scare piece for the New York Times under the improbable title An Ecological Kristallnacht. Listen. Predicting a laughable 5 degree Celsius rise in global temperatures “in our lifetimes,” he warned that unless we “profoundly change the course of our civilization, we face an immediate and grave danger of destroying the worldwide ecological system that sustains life as we know it.”

Boiler-plate eviro-mumbo-jumbo, to be sure.  But the man who would be king of the greens then ratcheted the rhetoric down a few notches by invoking nightmares 50 years past:

“In 1939, as clouds of war gathered over Europe, many refused to recognize what was about to happen. No one could imagine a Holocaust, even after shattered glass had filled the streets on Kristallnacht. World leaders waffled and waited, hoping that Hitler was not what he seemed, that world war could be avoided. Later, when aerial photographs revealed death camps, many pretended not to see. Even now, many fail to acknowledge that our victory was not only over Nazism but also over dark forces deep within us.”

Kristallnacht—German for “Crystal Night.” The very name elicits lurid images of that dark night in November of 1938 when Germans throughout the land were awakened to the sights and smells of burning synagogues and the noise of shattering window glass and the screams of innocent Jews being savagely beaten. A night when thousands of Germans, reading the signal that Jews were vogelfrei (fair game), joined Hitler’s Sturmabteilung (brown shirts) in killing at least one hundred and dragging 30 thousand more men, women, and children one step closer to the death and agony awaiting them in Nazi concentration camps.

Repulsion mission accomplished. Gore then dared compare the world’s failure to respond then to contemporary environmental complacency and “dark” self-interest:

“In 1989, clouds of a different sort signal an environmental holocaust without precedent. Once again, world leaders waffle, hoping the danger will dissipate. Yet today the evidence is as clear as the sounds of glass shattering in Berlin.”

The audacity of recalling the very sounds that evoked the tag Kristallnacht to suggest that those disregarding Gore’s personal delusions of our “self-destructive behavior and environmental vandalism” are somehow synonymous with a “world [that] closed its eyes as Hitler marched” betrays a mind at once deluded and devious.  Not to mention, outrageous, as noted by Matt Brooks when the same words appeared in Gore’s 1992 book, Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit.  The executive director of the Republican Jewish Coalition added that:

“For the vice president to equate the utter horror and the tremendous tragedy of Kristallnacht to try and invoke the passion of people about the environment is an insult to all the people who were victims of the Holocaust.”

Outrageous, indeed—yet merely the first act of a word play that would continue after Gore’s vice-presidential intermission and the U.S Senate’s unanimous 1997 vote not to consider the Kyoto Protocol for ratification. ....

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