Michael Holmes (Gastautor) / 27.07.2007 / 13:51 / 0 / Seite ausdrucken

Wachsende Globalisierungsängste im Westen

Chris Giles in der Financial Times über die erschreckenden Ergebnisse einer neuen Umfrage: 

Globalisation backlash in rich nations

“Viewing globalisation as an overwhelmingly negative force, citizens of rich countries are looking to governments to cushion the blows they perceive have come from the liberalisation of their economies to trade with emerging countries. Those polled in Britain, France, the US and Spain were about three times more likely to say globalisation was having a negative rather than a positive effect on their countries.

Amerika? Jetzt mache ich mir aber wirklich Sorgen.

Zweite kleine, aber erfreuliche Überraschung: “The majority was smaller in Germany, with its large export base.”

Dritte Überraschung - Johan Norberg: “If the oldest group surveyed, those aged 55-64, was a country, it would be the one most hostile to globalisation. Only 17,8 percent of them think that globalisation is positive and 59,8 percent think that it’s negative. In the youngest group, 16-24, there is also a plurality against globalisation, but it’s smaller than the national average in all countries except Italy. 28,2 percent of the youngest think that globalisation is positive and 39,6 percent think it’s negative. Pictures of young anti-WTO protesters claiming to speak for the poor, have deceived us. If you are looking for the real anti-globalists, look for someone born in the 1940s in the world’s richest countries.”

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