Benjamin Weinthal

Benjamin Weinthal, geboren 1968, ist Europakorrespondent der Jerusalem Post und wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter der Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

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Benjamin Weinthal / 24.02.2008 / 11:14 / 0

Petra Pau: Paech ist kein Antisemit!

The Foreign Ministry has invited one of the leaders of a German political party that has been criticized for failing to fight anti-Semitism and hard-core…/ mehr

Benjamin Weinthal / 13.02.2008 / 22:58 / 0

Gnadenlos blond

The leftist newspaper die tageszeitung, for example, at the time published an interview with the foreign policy spokesman of the Left Party, Norman Paech, who…/ mehr

Benjamin Weinthal / 10.02.2008 / 19:00 / 0

Olmert, Merkel und die Mullahs

The mullahs’ oft-repeated threats to eliminate Israel are frequently downplayed in sectors of German society as the empty ravings of pathologically religious zealots. This marginalizing…/ mehr

Benjamin Weinthal / 29.01.2008 / 23:56 / 0

Berlin parley warns against ‘appeasing’ Iran

While German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Germany’s Federal Parliament commemorated the victims of the Nazi regime on Holocaust Remembrance Day, and an expert international forum…/ mehr

Benjamin Weinthal / 22.01.2008 / 09:59 / 0

Top German officials slam Austrian trade ties with Iran

Top German officials, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, have recently criticized Austria’s commercial ties with Iran and its opposition to tighter sanctions on the Islamic…/ mehr

Benjamin Weinthal / 17.01.2008 / 11:45 / 0

Merkel ungustiös, Gusenbauer verstockt

Führende Mitglieder der deutschen Bundesregierung kritisierten zuletzt die Handelsbeziehungen Österreichs mit dem Iran und den Widerstand aus Wien gegen die Verschärfung der Sanktionen gegen den…/ mehr

Benjamin Weinthal / 16.12.2007 / 11:55 / 0

Stop The Bomb!

A major deal between Tehran and an Austrian conglomerate partly owned by the government has elicited a wave of protest in Austria amid fears Iran…/ mehr

Benjamin Weinthal / 25.11.2007 / 21:29 / 0

The Iran-Lobby in Germany

Why the Germans lament the Holocaust und support Ahmadinejad / mehr

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