Benny Peiser / 11.09.2007 / 11:49 / 0 / Seite ausdrucken

Warnung an Apokalyptiker: Am besten beide Augen schliessen beim Lesen

Despite daunting challenges posed by global warming, water, energy, unemployment and terrorism, the world faces a brighter future with fewer wars, higher life expectancy and improved literacy, according to a report released Monday.

“Although great human tragedies like Iraq and Darfur dominate the news, the vast majority of the world is living in peace, conflicts actually decreased over the past decade,” says the 2007 State of the Future report.

Published by the World Federation of UN associations, a global network of associations in more than 100 member states, the study noted that the number of African conflicts fell from a peak of 16 in 2002 to five in 2005 and the number of refugees around the world is falling.

It said the world economy grew at 5.4 percent last year to 66 trillion dollars while the global population rose 1.1 percent, increasing the average world per capita income by 4.3 percent.

“At this rate world poverty will be cut by more than half between 2000 and 2015, meeting the UN Millenium Development Goal for poverty reduction except in sub-Saharan Africa”, it added.

The world’s average life expectancy is rising from 48 years for those born in 1955 to 73 years for those who will be born in 2025, it noted.

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