Michael Miersch / 30.11.2008 / 11:28 / 0 / Seite ausdrucken

Toll, was man so alles studieren kann

Ankündigung einer Veranstaltung der Universität Uppsala zum Thema…äh…also es geht um…na ja…irgendwie Menschen und Tiere und so, oder so ähnlich. Gibt’s in Schweden eigentlich Studiengebühren?
Meat Animal Meat
May 21-23, 2009 Conference Center for Gender Research Uppsala University, SWEDEN
Informed by feminist investigations of embodiment and bodiliness, we ask: How do we understand our bodily relationship to other animals? How do we embody animals, and how do animals embody us? How are carnal modes of incorporation, intimacy, and inhabitation kinds of contacts forged between “HumAnimals”? If, as Donna Haraway writes, “animals are everywhere full partners in worlding, in becoming with,” then how do embodied encounters with animal matter necessarily constitute categories of “human” and “animal”? What is the meaning of meat, and the meat of meaning? How do we think and write about human and animal power relations in a way that acknowledges the discursive traffic, the actor-ship, agency, and the life conditions of these differently bounded socio-historical, political populations? How do we attend to the ways that animals and humans co-constitute each other in the flesh?… 

What is the consequence of taking embodiment and corporeality as the starting point of inquiry into questions of relationality? How do we make meat “matter” in cultural/social/political studies of animals, and/or problematize preconceived notions of animals as “food”? How do animal parts and body matters figure in politico- economic stories, processes, and institutions?  Whether through food practices, performances, infections, body modifications, sexualities, organ transplantations, medical practices, discourses of predation and commodification, spectatorships, and other modalities of incorporation, the conference will critically investigate the embodied and corporeal nature of HumAnimal encounters. We encourage presenters to engage diverse fields of inquiry: animal studies, sociology, futures studies, history, education, literature, philosophy, criminology, race/ethnicity studies, ethnology, anthropology, visual culture, gender/women studies, film/video, science/technology studies, postcolonial studies, art history and studio, political activism, religion and theology, psychology, political science and policy making, landscape architecture and urban planning, performance studies, agriculture, fashion studies, biology studies, and medicine studies.

KEYNOTE SPEAKERS:Carol J. Adams, author of The Sexual Politics of
Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory and The Pornography of
Meat.Judith Halberstam, author of Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and The
Technology of Monsters and In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender
Bodies, Subcultural Lives.

PROPOSALS:“Meet Animal Meat” will be divided into two themes:
“Feeding” and “In/Corporating.”
The suggested topics/areas of engagement are as follows:

FEEDING•  Meat Consumption•  Food Socialization•  AgriAnimals
•  Social Justice•  Representing Meat•  Omnivorousness•
Predation•  Cannibalism•  Vegan/Vegetarianism•
Herbivorousness•  “Bush Meat” •  Macrobiotic•  Fishing•
Religion and Food•  Insectivorousness•  Victimless/In Vitro
Meat•  Slaughter and Hunting•  Carnophallogocentrism•  Gendered
Consumption and Ecofeminism•  Un/Sustainable Eating•  Human-Eating
Animals•  Cultural Histories and Politics of Milk•  Food
Geographies•  Becoming Meat

IN/CORPORATING•  Zoontology and Embodiment•  Animals and War•
Speciesism •  Biopower and Animal Industries •  Zooësis and
Performativity •  Animal Commodification and BioCapitalism•
Xenotransplantation and Organ Harvesting•  Medical and Laboratory
Animals •  Animal Material Culture (Fashion, Cosmetics, Etc.)•
Hormones and Horses•  Gene Pharming•  Zoonoses•  Abjection and
Animality•  Sensing Animals (Animal Assisted Therapy/
Intervention)•  Companionship and “Pets”•  Bestiality and “Animal
Play”•  Animorphs, Zoomorphs and Body Modification•  Zoophilia and
Zoophobia•  “Critter Theory” and Becoming Animal •  Symbiosis
(Commensalism, Mutualism, Parasitism) We seek proposals for papers,
panels, and other public presentations connecting representation,
language, embodiment, animals, consumption, power, and culture.

We especially welcome interdisciplinary approaches; readings of
corporeally inflected HumAnimal fiction, poetry, and creative
nonfiction; films, videos, and slide presentations of artwork that
explore carnal human and animal encounters; and proposals from outside
the academy, including submissions from artists, writers,
practitioners, and activists.

20 MINUTE PRESENTATIONS: Proposals for academic presentations should
clearly state the argument being set forward and the relevance/
significance of this argument for this conference; proposals for
creative presentations should indicate the subject addressed and the
approach/medium used, and what additional audio/visual/spatial
resources will be needed to show/perform the work; proposals for other
nontraditional presentations should articulate the unique qualities of
the presentation and their connection to the conference theme. Co-
authored presentations are also welcome, but only one co-author should
submit the proposal, and only 20 minutes will be allotted. Abstracts
should be no longer than 500 words, and must be received by January
16, 2009. Submissions should include name, affiliation/title, and
correspondence address.

For further information email: meetanimalmeat@gender.uu.se

To register: http://www.genna.gender.uu.se/meetanimalmeat

Helena Pedersen, FD/PhDCentre for Gender ResearchUppsala
UniversityP.O.Box 634SE-751 26 Uppsala

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