Benny Peiser / 11.09.2007 / 16:30 / 0 / Seite ausdrucken

The Official Monster Raving Loony Party

THE Conservatives will propose banning plasma screens and other energy-guzzling electrical goods in a report to be unveiled next week.

The proposals target white goods like fridges and freezers, as well as TVs, personal computers and DVD players that use too much energy or operate on stand-by.

The ideas come from a Conservative group set up by David Cameron to develop policies to protect the environment and although the measures to make household electrical appliances more energy efficient are not binding on Mr Cameron, they are thought likely to be warmly received by the Tory leader.

The group will also suggest scrapping Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of the nation’s success in favour of a model that measures people’s happiness drawn up up by Friends of the Earth.,,2-2007420012,00.html

Und erste Reaktionen:

The “climate change” hysteria has proved a godsend for prodnoses and punishment freaks. I doubt there is a single country on earth where the entire political class has so completely taken leave of its senses over alleged global warming.

Here in Britain, it has been seized upon as an exciting new weapon with which to inflict more taxes, fines and regulations on us.

You expect this kind of nonsense from Labour and especially from Gordon Brown, who has never met a tax he doesn’t like. Socialists have only ever had a passing acquaintance with the concept of individual liberty and low taxation.

But when it comes to banging the climate-change gong, Call Me Dave and his gang are obsessed to the point of mental illness.

CMD’s latest wheeze for winning power is a plan to put £2,000 on the price of a family car and ban plasma TVs. Brilliant.

That should go down well in the marginals, along with his other cunning scheme to make Britain the only place in the world to call a halt to airport expansion.

Egged on by his Old Etonian mate Zac Goldsmith, whose dad made part of the family fortune tearing up large chunks of Bolivia, Dave also wants to restrict essential road building.

So if your village is crying out for a new by-pass, forget it. Think of all the polar bears whose lives you’re saving.

Where does Cameron get the idea that millions of swing voters are desperate to pay even more for their cars than they do already? Or that people will give up their plasma TVs for the sake of some unspecified rainforest?

Why pick on plasmas? Are we supposed to go back to cumbersome cathode ray sets? It’s not so long ago we were told they were destroying the Earth’s crust in landfill sites. Are we supposed to stop watching television altogether?

What about all those people who make a living manufacturing, selling and servicing televisions? What are they to do - go and work in a windmill?

Surely the Tories are the party of small government, individual choice and low taxes, or they are nothing.

Yet here they are making common cause with ‘zero growth’ eco-loonies who knit their own toilet paper.

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