Joseph Klein versucht im FrontpageMag auf die schwierige Frage: Will The UN Finally Help Save Darfur? zu antworten. Er glaubt, dass dieses Mal tatsächlich ein erster großer und entscheidender Schritt getan wurde. Aber er erinnert auch noch einmal an Ruanda. Friedenstruppen vor Ort nützen sehr genau überhaupt nichts - wenn sie nicht konsequent eingreifen dürfen.
“As we learned from the horrible tragedy in Rwanda, the UN commanders on the ground must have the authority to determine what is necessary to stop the killing fields. Interference from the bureaucrats in New York will kill the mission instead. A million Rwandans were murdered in 1994 after the UN stood by and did nothing. Kofi Annan was Assistant Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations at the time. (..)
The Darfur mission may be the UN’s last chance to prove its relevance in helping to end the suffering of innocent civilians at the hands of a genocidal regime. The success of the mission can restore confidence in the power of multilateral diplomacy under the auspices of the UN and show to the world that, after the succession of failures during the last two decades, the United Nations can function effectively after all. Its fate – as well as the fate of those it is trying to help – hangs in the balance.”