Schön zu sehen, dass es arabische Analysten und Kommentatoren gibt, die weiter sind als ihre Kollegen in FAZ, taz und SZ:
Let Obama - or anyone else - be a Zionist; let America - or anyone else - be the custodian of Israeli interests in the region; nonetheless, Israel should not be our greatest concern, nor should Palestine be our be-all and end-all. For even if Israel disappeared entirely, and we had a new Palestinian state from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea to add to the list of Arab states, the situation would still remain the same….
Israel, and behind it the West and America, has not prevented us, and cannot prevent us, from building good schools if we want to, and putting in place forward-looking curricula. Israel will not prevent us, and cannot prevent us, from respecting humans and human rights in our countries, if we really wanted that. Israel will not prevent us, and cannot prevent us, from eradicating illiteracy in our countries or rooting out corruption.