German Federal President in Yad Vashem: Publicity instead of Silence

For even if he remains silent, his gestures reveal a lot. During the official ceremony last Friday, he keeps in the background. He strictly refuses to be interviewed: „This is a place of horror, of remembrance, and grief – not a place of publicity“, says the Federal German President, in the commemoration oft he liberation of Auschwitz. 

This Federal President was Roman Herzog, and this commemoration took place in Auschwitz in 1995. Yesterday in Yad Vashem, the German Federal President Steinmeier spoke, as my Head of State, and I feel ashamed that he did not remain silent.

Ironically just Steinmeier, one oft he fathers of the “Iran-Atomic-Treaty” that led to the repeal of the sanctions against the terrorist regime of Teheran, which enabled the Al-Quds-Brigades to push their actions even further, side by side with other Shiite terrorists and their brothers-in-arms of Hamas and Hizbollah. The Al-Quds-Brigades comfortably took their own „Mahan Air“ jets, all well-serviced thanks to the lifting of sanctions, in order to fly into the Syrian battle zone near the border of Israel. Quds translates to Jerusalem, and this unit is by no means an official army of any state, but a private militia very much like the SA or SS of Nazi Germany, recuited solely to operate outside its own territory, against international law – while the Revolutionary Guards, using their rifles from Enduro bikes, are protecting the revolution from their own people: one terrorist to drive the bike, the other to shoot into the crowd from the back seat.

To this regime our Federal President Esq. gladly had given his congratulations on its fourtieth anniversary of empowerment. Out of his trip to Israel, the Federal President made exactly the kind of matter Roman Herzog had excluded for considerations of bad taste: publicity.

In advance, and by the hour, radio news broadcast the departure of the presidential Airbus plane, a jet spacely enough to accomodate the horde of the press, spreading the news of the refined, stately civil servant who went so high as to become President, effectively to any indigenous living room. That’senhanced publicity. Thus, there was also a meeting with survivors of Auschwitz, in bright limelight. Piety is a different issue.

The preparation for his speech was celebrated by the BILD newspaper, displaying a crumple-faced, thoughtful Steinmeier, his well-ironed white collar open; so well-lit that one wished for his enligthenment, too. And then: the speech. Five dime for the empty phrase piggy bank. Please pass on to the presidential ghost-writer upon return. Perhaps exactly this could be their wakie-call.  

I do feel ashamed for this President. At least, I didn’t vote for him.

Would only the late Roman Herzog, R.I.P., have been there. He would most probably have remained silent, in dignity.


A topical postscriptum, 24.01.2020:

It is hard to believe the issue that yesterday the Tagesschau TV news made of the appearance of the Federal President. Sabine Müller commented on his visit, under the headline „A chance missed, unfortunately“. Her comment is introduced at by the following words:

„It was not Federal President Steinmeier’s fault: The commemmoration in Yad Vashem was overshadowed by the egotist apperances of Israel and Russia. A missed chance in the fight agains anti-semitism.“

The comment itself furthermore reads:

„This day in Jerusalem should have been a day of worthy remembrance, and an forceful call for a joint fight against anti-semitism. How sad it is that it did not work convincingly. Yes, much was worthy and convincing, and the German President Steinmeier contributed to it…

… Unworthy though it was how Israel and Russia partly usurped this anniversary.“


We thank Jesko Matthes for the Translation. 

Auf vielfache Anfrage veröffentlichen wir diese englische Übersetzung des Textes zum Besuch von Bundespräsident Steinmeier. Zum Teilen im englischsprachigen Raum, damit die Menschen wissen, dass nicht alle in Deutschland so eitel und verbohrt sind, wie es gerade vorgeführt wurde. Danke an Jesko Matthes für die Übersetzung. 

Foto: Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0

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U. Unger / 24.01.2020

Danke Ihnen, speziell Herrn Jancke und Herrn Matthes, dafür diesen Text derartig verbreiten zu können. Eine geniale Idee.

Werner Arning / 24.01.2020

Was? Die Juden haben das Auschwitz-Andenken usurpiert? Und haben gar keinen Platz gelassen für Warnungen vor der rechten Gefahr? So richtig glücklich macht man einen ARD- Redakteur wahrscheinlich erst, wenn jemand warnend auf die AfD hinweist. Kam denn gar nichts in dieser Richtung vor? Ja dann kann man wohl sagen : Thema verfehlt, Setzen, Sechs. Diese Juden aber auch. Ein bisschen Warnung vor Antisemitismus sollte schließlich sein. So eine Gelegenheit muss man doch nutzen. Trauern könnt ihr dann immer noch. Später. Uns geht es um politische Botschaften. Und zu diesem Zweck kommt jede Gelegenheit recht. Also strengt euch das nächste Mal gefälligst an. Zum Glück haben wir unseren Steini. Der bringt euch das noch bei. Zumindest einer, der weiß, wie das geht.

Hans-Peter Dollhopf / 24.01.2020

Hear ye, Israel and remember, remember 23rd December! United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334. Wikipedia: “Foreign Minister and Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE Frank-Walter Steinmeier welcomed the resolution and said it confirms what has long been the position of the German government, stating that the Israeli settlement of occupied territory is an obstacle to peace and a two-state solution. He further said that “a democratic Israel is only achievable through a two-state-solution.” Steinmeier later praised the speech by John Kerry which outlined the United States’ position on the Israeli–Palestinian conflict and endorsed Kerry’s principles for a solution to the conflict.” Jerusalem Post on December 30, 2016: “In strong attack on Israel, German foreign minister says settlements jeopardize peace”. The anti-zionist Steinmeier is #notmypresident!

P. Wedder / 24.01.2020

Mit Herrn Steinmeier als Bundespräsidenten hat bei mir das Fremdschämen für dieses Amt seinen Repräsentanten angefangen.

Gabriele Klein / 24.01.2020

Danke dem Übersetzer, gute Idee.  Achgut sollte überhaupt auch in Englisch erscheinen, da die Internationale Presse, vermutlich aus gutem Grunde Menschenrechtsverletzungen auf deutschem Boden unter den Teppich kehrt   Was den Aufruhr um die Quetschgelder anlangt und auch das Netzdurchsetzungs Gesetz verhalten sich die internationalen Medien verdammt stille….....  Auch als die Sache unglaublich am Dampfen war bzw wieder ist….... Umgekehrt wäre zu wünschen, dass gewisse auswärtige Medien deutsche Nachrichten liefertn und zwar auf deutsch. Denn nicht mal dazu ist man hierzulande im Stande. Des durch Auswärtskorrespondenten vor Ort und nicht durch Abschreiben der ins Englsche übertragenen ÖR “Mediensülze”.

Michael Lorenz / 24.01.2020

Mr. von Weizsäcker was my president. Mr. Herzog was my president (one of the best). Mr. Köhler was my president. Mr. Wulff and Mr. Gauck - ok, you can’t always be lucky. Mr. Steinmeier: I AM ASHAMED OF THIS PRESIDENT!

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