Benjamin Weinthal / 27.11.2009 / 10:58 / 0 / Seite ausdrucken

Auf die Terrorliste!

A majority of the Netherlands parliament voted this past week to place Iran’s elite military unit, the Revolutionary Guards, on the European Union (EU) terror list. The Dutch resolution appears to be the first European motion to target the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist entity. The resolution cited the IRGC’s support for Hamas and Hizbullah as reasons to label the Guards as an unlawful organization fomenting terror.

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Verwandte Themen
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Mr. Ackermann has no clue but very tough convictions

Germany’s diplomatic corps has embarked on a pro-Iran deal lobbying campaign, attempting to sway Americans by invoking Berlin’s guarantee of Israel’s security. / mehr

Benjamin Weinthal / 30.11.2009 / 13:42 / 0

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Benjamin Weinthal / 03.10.2008 / 07:52 / 0

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The Iran-Lobby in Germany

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