Al Gore hat nun also den unvermeidlichen Oscar für seine so genannte Dokumentation “An Inconvenient Truth” gewonnen. Wir gratulieren mit dem Link zu einem Artikel in der kanadischen Financial Post, in dem man unter anderem lesen kann:
While the gods must consider An Inconvenient Truth the ultimate comedy, real climate scientists are crying over Al Gore’s new film. This is not just because the ex-vice-president commits numerous basic science mistakes. They are also concerned that many in the media and public will fail to realize that this film amounts to little more than science fiction.
“Little more than science fiction” - wahrscheinlich wäre es angemessener gewesen, dem Film die Oscars zu geben, die er wirklich verdiente:
Best Leading Actor - Al Gore (as himself)
Best Supporting Actress - Mother Earth (as Goddess Gaia)