Seltsam, seltsam: Als Saddam Hussein zum Tode verurteilt wurde, waren alle gegen die Todesstrafe, von amnesty über die Vertreter der Kirchen bis zur PDS. Jetzt regt sich keiner auf, denn im Iran werden keine Promis gehängt sondern kleine Leute. 118 Hinrichtungen in sechs Wochen, das ist ein Rekord, den wir bald im Guiness Buch finden werden. Und die Show geht weiter. Amir Taheri sagt, woher die Mordlust kommt und wohin sie führt:
The Mashad hangings, broadcast live on local television, are among a series of public executions ordered by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad last month as part of a campaign to terrorize an increasingly restive population. Over the past six weeks, at least 118 people have been executed, including four who were stoned to death. According to Saeed Mortazavi, the chief Islamic prosecutor, at least 150 more people, including five women, are scheduled to be hanged or stoned to death in the coming weeks…
The nationwide crackdown is accompanied with efforts to cut Iranians off from sources of information outside the Islamic Republic. More than 4,000 Internet sites have been blocked, and more are added each day. The Ministry of Islamic Orientation has established a new blacklist of authors and book titles twice longer than what it was a year ago. Since April, some 30 newspapers and magazines have been shut and their offices raided. At least 17 journalists are in prison, two already sentenced to death by hanging…
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Das beredte Schweigen über den Horror im Iran
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